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Methods OACS Essbase app Restoration and LCM backups


Application Restoration or backups is important and critical in any organization. OAC classic has couple of methods through which Essbase app restoration and LCM backups can be achieved. Below mentioned methods can be automated through any scheduling tool like Autosys or Windows task scheduler.

Lets begin!

Restoration of application can be done in following ways:-

  1. Export and Import Excel:-
    1. Navigate to OAC Classic modern interface Home page and from the Actions menu, select the option Export to Excel.
    2. On the Export to Excel dialog box, select the Parent-Child Export Build Method.Select Export Data and Export Scripts and  click OK.

    3. It will export the complete application in a Excel sheet file, on opening you will find different sheets for each dimension and a tab for the data.
    4. It will create a zip file for the data under Files.The interesting factor about the data file is it creates a column for each dimension.
    5. Now to import that excel export, go to Application Tab and select import. Select the Excel file and Click OK.

    6. Once you Click OK, job will be created and it will be shown at Jobs Tab. After completing the importing, application can be seen at Application Tab.
  2. Import LCM Backup:-
    1. LCM Backup consists of all the artifacts, substitution variable and data.
    2. To restore apps in OAC classic import LCM backup is one of the options.
    3. First take the export LCM - export LCM will be explained in next topic.
    4. Go to Application Tab and Click Jobs.
    5. Select Import LCM.

    6. Select the export zip file and give the application name, now if want to overwrite the existing application, select Overwrite or if want a new application Click directly OK

LCM Backup can be taken in following ways:-

  1. Manual Backup:-
    1. From the Action Menu (Jobs) Select Export LCM

    2. Select the Application and Name for the Backup and if data is not need check the Skip Data option else keep it un-check and Click OK.

  2. CLI Utility:-
    1. Export LCM:- lcmExport [-verbose] -application appname [-zipfilename filename] [-localDirectory path] [-threads threadscount] [-skipdata] [-overwrite] [-generateartifactlist] [-include-server-level]

    2. Import LCM:-lcmImport [-verbose] -zipfilename filename [-overwrite] [-targetappName targetApplicationName] [-artifactlist artifactList]
    3. Please refer for further information on the CLI commands.
  3. Shell Script:-
    1. We can take export and import LCM backup through Shell script, Please refer to the below blog for detail information about the process and commands for shell script.


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